Histopathology Accessories and Consumables YRA18 // YRA44



Histology Consumables

Improve quality, reduce errors, and save time with dedicated plug and play consumables. From glass slides and coverslips to wax and bulk reagents, smooth running of any laboratory depends on a consistent supply of high-quality consumables.

Amongst our range of histology consumables you will be sure to find a cassette especially suited to fill your specific needs when processing regular tissue samples, single and multiple biopsies and also large specimens. Most models can be used with automated labelling machines.

Histology and pathology are sciences that are often used together in biology and medical laboratories. Histology and pathology laboratory equipment are tools that help to prepare and examine tissues.

Microtomes produce thin tissue slices, and tissue processors automatically prepare tissue samples for study, freezing stages quickly and uniformly freezing samples, and cryostats keep them frozen. Thermoconductive platforms keep your sample at a constant temperature, either warm or cold, while transporting or analyzing the specimens. There are automatic slide dryers, stainers, and labelers to help minimize error, time, and expense when preparing slides of the samples. Of course, once samples have been processed and are ready for analysis, microscopes are used to analyze the tissues.

What are the applications of histology?

Histology is a versatile scientific study examining the microanatomy of cells and tissues. The sectioning and staining of the tissues can provide vivid imagery of samples, making it possible for researchers to understand the biological processes of a tissue or cell. Applications of histology include:

  • Aid in disease diagnosis.
  • Medical innovations and discovery.
  • Education and research (ex: Archaeology).
  • Forensic analysis In all these fields, having quick and dependable access to consumables is needed to prepare samples and run a histology report effectively. In many cases, laboratory protocols will call for a large quantity of samples to be tested making it critical to optimize your methods to save time and resources.
Type of Accessories and Consumables:

Disposable microtome blade (Low Profile)

Low-profile Kalstein YRA18 disposable blades are made of stainless steel with high durability.

An inventive blade coating process using PTFE enables section stretching and quality sectioning ribbons in routine histology.

Fine yet durable, the 80 mm long x 8 mm high x 0.25 mm thick blades are specifically designed for use with Kalstein microtomes or cryostats classified and labeled as in vitro diagnostic medical devices for histological medical diagnosis, e.g. cancer diagnosis.

Disposable microtome blade (High Profile)

The High Profile YRA19 disposable microtome blade is suitable for all paraffin embedded tissue blocks in routine applications.

The High-profile disposable blades are made of stainless steel with high durability.


Are used in the processing, embedding, sectioning and long term storage of tissue and biopsy specimens. High density acetal construction. Acetal is resistant to histological solvents such as alcohol and xylene.

Model Description
YRA18 Disposable microtome blade (Low profile)
YRA19 Disposable microtome blade (High profile)
YRA20 Tissue embedding cassette
YRA21 Plastic cassette with plastic cover
YRA22 Plastic cassette with stainless cover
YRA23 Copper cassette
YRA24 Embedding mold
YRA25 Aluminium embedding frame
YRA26 Cryo-pin for Cryostat
YRA27 Wooden slide storage box
YRA28 Wooden slide storage box
YRA29 Plastic slide storage box
YRA30 Plastic slide storage box
YRA31 Plastic slide storage box
YRA32 Tweezer
YRA33 Paraffin block
YRA33-1 Granular Paraffin
YRA34 Color plastic tray
YRA35 Slide staining vesse
YRA37 Glass slide
YRA38 Plastic slide basket
YRA39 Stainless steel slide basket
YRA40 Copper slide basket
YRA43 Pathology lettering pe
YRA44 Pathology Trimming knife handle

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