Gel documentation systems: steps for use

Gel documentation systems are one of the main supports of research and analysis of results, which undoubtedly makes it indispensable in areas such as molecular, cellular, biochemical biology; Because of this, high resolution and multi-image recognition systems are required, the gels procedure requires greater sensitivity to ensure accurate and efficient results.

At KALSTEIN we offer gel documentation systems specially designed for the needs of these scientific and medical laboratories, in addition to adapting to your budget and requirements; we visit at and you’ll find teams that provide you with innovative solutions in image capture, analysis and storage.

Steps for the use of the gel documentation system

  • Connect the computer as instructed by the manufacturer.
  • We must recognize the UV light button, and then activate the UV light without having the white light on.
  • The intensity of the UV light is then selected.
  • We look at the image on the integrated screen or on the computer monitor.
  • We proceed to adjust the brightness we want according to the experiment.
  • The touch brightness adjustment switch makes it easy to observe and recover the gel.
  • We captured the sample image.
  • You can use your machine with a standalone PC or a PC with an integrated touch screen. You should only press the “shift button” easily.
  • The image is stored on a hard drive, PC, or USB device for next use or analysis.
  • It is archived in the appropriate logbook to be located at a later time.

Parts of a gel documentation system equipment

The parts that this equipment possesses will depend on the differences between the brands and the existing models, some will be manual, others automatic, more advanced and integrated with different accessories, however, we can list some main parts that we will always find:

  • Optical System.
  • Controlled Darkness System.
  • Lighting system called Transiluminator. 
  • Computer.

At KALSTEIN our equipment features a UV SMART™ Transluminator, Blue and White Light Transluminator, a high-resolution and high-sensitivity scientific CCD camera, gel inspection, protein inspection, ELISA plate, Petri plate colony counter, TLC plate, etc.

Main uses of the gel documentation system

  • It serves to observe, take photos and analyze bands of gels after electrophoresis.
  • It allows the digitalization of all types of DNA gels, proteins and nucleic acids.
  • It allows to document protein gels dyed with fluorescent dyes.
  • It guarantees the documentation of nucleic acid gels dyed with ethidium bromide or SYBR green and chemoluminescent signals.
  • For different analyzes and studies on microbiological cells.
  • It is used in different areas and research laboratories such as cell therapies, biomedical research, quality control, genetics laboratory, molecular biology.

How a system of photo-documentation of gels works?

As we have already described in this article, its functionality is based on a stand-alone unit with integrated computer and touch screen to produce high-quality, high-resolution images that can be easily saved to a USB drive or transferred over an optional network connection to an external computer, for later use. 

If you need help to manage your equipment of photo-documentation systems and operate at its maximum efficiency you can consult with us through: and clarify all your doubts, we offer you the best specialists to provide you the necessary advice and not only that, our Laboratory Equipment Company KALSTEIN also has the best online shopping channels that are very easy and viable, follow the link and enjoy the catalog of high quality equipment and the best price you will find in the market, we are high level manufacturers, with great demand buy-sale worldwide.